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Internship Business strategy

Updated: Nov 2, 2021

Join the Clem adventure

About Clem

For the past ten years, Clem take part at the mobility world revolution to support companies and municipalities toward the energetic transition.

Today Clem is the leader of the electric carsharing, with our solution IOT and platform 100% made in France. We manage the fleet of the electric vehicles and the charging points for our customers, the municpalities, the houses and the companies. We enable the creation of a local, inclusive and low carbon mobility.

Clem as the unique solution of the market that enables the management of carsharing and charging services from one same platform. A technology multi times pattended which promote the electric mobility and deliver the energy that has the least impact on the grid.

Present in more than 210 cities in France, Clem becomes in 2020 the operator in Paris for the stations dedicated to the professionals (traders, craftsmen, logistics actors). This is the first major reference in a LEZ (Low Emission Zone). In addition, Clem is participating at several researchs programs with Smart city actors including vehicle to grid solution with Polytechnique school. An innovative mobility station on the campus of the Navy Yard in Philadelphy, a securised platform with the CEA...

If you wish to participate at the deploiement of new mobilities, to create mobility at positive impact at the heart of the energetic transition, join us !

About the internship

On the context of his deploiement strategy of his offer in partnershop with the Smart city actos, Clem researches the managers of tomorrow and is offering an internship business strategy for the territories.

About the missions :

You will work in multidisciplinary team (production, informatic amené à travailler en équipe pluridisciplinaire (production, IT, trade and impact) to developp the partnerships and the direct sales (answer to the municipalities offers) and at the cities in France and in Europe.

Your main tasks will be :

- In relation with the team : to define and follow the application of the business strategy to the municipalities : policy makers and services.

- To identify the key actors of the market and support the fondator and the territories manager,

- To answer to the direct/indirect tenders for the devlopment of business models or R&D programms.

- To represent Clem at the major actors of the Smart City (electric mobility, energy) toward cofenreces/tradeshow/projects

- Devlopment of the offer in North America and Europa

- To work in coordination with the communication team to establish and implement a coherent communication strategy

Expected Profil

Commercial engineer, rigourous and dynamic, you wish to have an experience in an innovative scale-up rigoureux et dynamique, vous souhaitez avoir une expérience en scale up innovante with high technological competence and climate impact.

You like the challenge and and you want to work in team.

· You are a student in a Grande Ecole of engineering or business (double degree is a plus), looking for a 6 month internship, gap year or work experience,

- You are autonomous and capable of carrying out a mission entrusted to you alone, or as a leader of a project team,

- You are curious and like to learn, to be solicited on various subjects,

- You have a strong sense of initiative and are able to propose and implement new methodologies and processes,

- You have a real capacity for work and advanced writing skills as well as ease in oral presentation.

This internship may lead to a permanent contract.

Pratical informations :

- Start in december

- Minimum duration of 5 months

- Location: Paris region (Neuilly-sur-Seine)

- Remuneration 1000 euros

- 100% Navigo pass

To apply, please send your resume at


Dima Santarskiy
Dima Santarskiy
Dec 07, 2022

选择出国留学是改善你的职业生涯的一个好方法。在一个新的国家生活的经验使你能够了解不同的文化,扩大你的视野。然而,这并不是所有的乐趣和游戏。你需要制定一个计划,以充分利用你在国外的时间。这里有一些提示可以帮助你一路走下去。你应该做的第一件事是写下你想出国留学的理由清单。你还应该说明出国留学的一些优势。其中一些包括有机会了解一种新的文化,获得宝贵的工作经验,以及结交终身的朋友。接下来,你应该写下你在国外时想做的事情清单。一般来说,这些应该是学术和非学术活动的混合。保持一份清单将帮助你记住你的目标,然后你可以用它来规划你的行动计划。阅读你的目的地有哪些活动也是一个好主意。你可能会对现有的选择感到惊讶。特别是,你应该看一下提供学术技能支持服务的大学。最后一个建议是找人校对你的 作文。网上有许多网站提供这种服务。一定要检查语法、拼写和标点符号。此外,你可能想在你的文章中多做一次,以找到最令人难忘的单词或短语。


Dima Santarskiy
Dima Santarskiy
Dec 07, 2022

在多伦多获得定制论文,可以为学生节省大量的时间。学生必须花大量的时间学习课程材料,听课和写作业。然而,许多人不知道如何写一篇好的论文。要在这么短的时间内完成这项任务是很困难的。在多伦多,有一些论文写作服务可以做到这一点。这些服务提供高质量的写作,快速交付,以及原创性。这些服务是学生的最佳选择。多伦多最好的论文写作服务之一是Essay Experts。他们的员工在多个领域拥有广泛的知识和专长。这家公司在多伦多有一个办公室,这使他们成为学生的方便选择。与其他论文写作服务不同,Essay Experts不向学生收取佣金。这使他们成为那些想在获得高质量工作的同时节省开支的学生的一个好选择。另一个值得注意的论文写作服务是EssayPro。这家公司已经经营了多年,并以其低廉的价格而闻名。该公司还拥有一个优秀的客户服务团队。他们的支持团队每天24小时服务,可以帮助回答客户的任何问题。他们还为学生提供了大量的写作服务。他们尤其以其快速的周转时间而闻名。多伦多最好的论文写作服务之一是加拿大EduBirdie。这项服务为所有年龄段的学生提供高质量的写作帮助。他们还有一些姐妹服务来满足你的需求。这些服务包括校对服务,编辑服务,和写作服务。这家公司一直是加拿大写作行业的先锋。


Dima Santarskiy
Dima Santarskiy
Dec 07, 2022

拥有专业的英语论文写作服务,可以帮助你写得更好、更快。虽然学生往往很难在最后期限前完成,但论文写作服务可以成为真正的救星。它可以帮助学生克服他们低迷的写作技巧,为他们的成绩提供助力。在寻找英语论文写作服务时,关键是要找到一个能写出高质量作品并有可靠的客户支持的服务。你可以向以前的学生询问符合你需求的最佳网站,或者在网上寻找评论。无论你选择哪个网站,你应该寻找一个已经存在了一段时间的专业公司,并提供合理的价格。如果你正在寻找一个便宜的英语论文写作服务,SpeedyPaper是一个不错的选择。它提供各种论文服务,包括写作、校对和编辑。此外,它还为忠实客户提供定期折扣。另一个不错的选择是Essay Pro。这家乌克兰公司为第一世界、讲英语的客户提供高水平的服务。它的写作服务得到了强大的社交媒体的补充。他们还提供免费的抄袭报告和格式化服务。他们有400名写手,都是以英语为母语的人。如果您正在寻找一家提供最好的专业英语论文写作服务,您可能会考虑UKEssays London。这项服务提供了低价、出色的客户服务和快速交付时间的组合。它没有严重违反截止日期的报告。它的英语文学论文可以在短短一小时内完成。


Dima Santarskiy
Dima Santarskiy
Dec 07, 2022



Dima Santarskiy
Dima Santarskiy
Nov 09, 2022

In an accounting job, your technical skills are vital, but so are soft skills, which are not directly related to accuracy but are largely personal qualities. Employers look for these traits in prospective workers, as they can lead to a job offer. These skills range from the ability to keep track of evolving technology to knowledge of the business environment. Listed below are some of the essential qualities needed for a successful career in accounting. Once you have mastered these skills, you can prepare for an interview and begin preparing for your future.

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