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The new electric
mobility solution for
your territory 

Leader of the electric carsharing in loop, Clem supports the communities in their ecological transition with a shared, zero emission and inclusive mobility.  

A sustainable mobility at the heart of the territories

The electric carsharing allows:

- to provide a zero emission and inclusive mobility,

- to encourage their users to get rid of their second car (according to the ADEME, one vehicle in carsharing replaces nine personnal vehicules and releases huit parking spaces). 

- to ancor his territory in the ecological transition,

- to optmize the fleet of the communities (openning at the public the nights and the week-end)

and also the existing infrastructure. 

Grâce à Clem', installez une solution de mobilité complète
à partir de 1 borne ou véhicule électrique

Flexibility enabled by mobility

Borne de recharge pré-équipée pour des services partagés : stations de recharge, stations d’autopartage et stations combines

Supervision (CPO)

Gestion Relation Usagers (eMSP)


Connexion aux ENR (Panneaux Solaires)


Monetisation - facturation

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1 seul interlocuteur de la charge à l'autopartage

Web and mobile Platform, or white label 

Our open platform enables to share, without modification, all brand and types of EVs and charging stations.

It adapts to each community’s special

needs in order to maximize its

complementarity with public

transports and best answer users’


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Charging station

For recharging and optimising energy


Connection aux ENR


Connectez votre solution de mobilité (charge et/ou autopartage) aux ENR, maitriser votre infrastructure et votre énergie !

Web and mobile Platform, or white label 

Our open platform enables to share, without modification, all brand and types of EVs and charging stations.

It adapts to each community’s special

needs in order to maximize its

complementarity with public

transports and best answer users’



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For the opening the vehicle with a


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Clem' Connect

For the opening of the vehicle from your smarptone


From opening up your private fleet to developing an inter-municipal mobility solution:


- Opening of your fleet thanks to the Clem mobi platform for an optimized use by your agents and your citizens.

- Development of a mobility solution with dedicated vehicles for inclusive, carbon-free mobility in addition to transport solutions.​

Our solution is already implemented in more than 200 cities! From Paris to the municipalities of

less than 100 residents, we create the mobility service best suited to your challenges and needs.

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